Today  I was riding and was reminded of something I came across last week.Today it gave me a lot of insight. Last week I had gone to Busia town for my usual duties. Then there was this small crowd that caught my attention. When I moved closer I saw an old man. Of course the crowd had encircled him. There were a variety of luggage around him. He was carrying others as well as figuring out how he could lift the rest to his shoulder.These luggages contained a myriad of things: sticks, dirty rags,metals, leaves,twigs.....I am sure this man had gone crazy. The people were jokingly trying to convince him  to let them burn the luggages but the man firmly declined and guarded them enviously. Any way these people wanted to set him free by doing that but it was in vain.To the people this man was carrying trash. I heard him claiming that he can not allow them set ablaze his precious assets. That some of the luggages contained some of his best and modern clothes  of European type.I had to extend my stay to see the man lifting every of the luggage onto his left shoulder. Surprisingly, he went on picking other trash.
The old man with luggages
I was being reminded that this is the situation many of us are in the world today. W e are still  carrying so much on our heads yet Christ has called upon us to surrender our burdens to Him."... come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Despite the invitation many of us are still carrying the burdens of guilt, bitterness, grief... we are still holding to them dearly just like the old man.Bring all these to Jesus and you and you will find a wonderful and eternal rest.
Atanas Mzee


  1. I will post some pics about this later. I have a problem doing it now.

  2. That is a great reminder Atanas. Although maybe sick, this man represents so many times the way we can be. We are so blinded by what is around us that we forget that it is not our burden. We don't have to carry it anymore.


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